
Rainmeter syntax highlighting plugin for Notepad++.

GitHub project: poiru/rainlexer


Changing colors

To change the highlighting colors, open Notepad++ → SettingsStyle Configuration. Then, scroll to the end of the language list to find Rainmeter. The following colors can be changed:

Refresh skin

To refresh the skin corresponding to the currently open .ini file in Notepad++, select PluginsRainLexerRefresh skin.

To assign shortcuts to the Refreshing skin and Refresh all commands, select SettingsShortcut MapperPlugin commands tab. Then, find the Refresh skin and Refresh all entries in the list to assign a shortcut.

To add the commands to the Notepad++ right-click context menu, select SettingsEdit Popup ContextMenu. Then, add the following lines into the file, save, and restart Notepad++.

<Item id="0"/>
<Item PluginEntryName="RainLexer" PluginCommandItemName="Refresh skin" />
<Item PluginEntryName="RainLexer" PluginCommandItemName="Refresh all" />
<Item id="0"/>

Created by poiru and maintained by the Rainmeter Team. Theme by orderedlist.